Enquire About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Please complete our contact form below or alternatively, contact us directly at info@oxycare.ie or on 015677676.
One of our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Evidence is accumulating for effective treatment of Long Covid symptoms with medical standard Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – using 100% medical Oxygen at a pressure of 2.4 atmospheres (ATA). It is important to ensure the appropriate standard of treatment is provided to obtain the full benefits as cited in the available studies.
“Wellness centres” and some other “hyperbaric operators” cannot achieve the cited relevant standards (2.4 ATA, 100% medical Oxygen as the prescribed medication, and 2 hour duration approx.)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment should only be carried out in a certified medical device that includes an ante-chamber. Before undergoing treatment, all patients should be medically screened to ensure patient safety.
At Oxycare, we normally only accept consultant referrals. Due to delays accessing Long COVID clinics, we are considering referrals from patients’ family doctors.
For enquiries/referrals, your GP can email us securely on oxycarecentre@healthmail.ie
To enquire now email info@oxycare.ie, call 01 5677676 or fill out the form here.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of long COVID: early evaluation of a highly promising intervention
Tim Robbins, Michael Gonevski, Cain Clark, Sudhanshu Baitule, Kavi Sharma, Angel Magar, Kiran Patel, Sailesh Sankar, Ioannis Kyrou, Asad Ali, Harpal S Randeva
Clinical Medicine Nov 2021, 21 (6) e629-e632; DOI: 10.7861/clinmed.2021-0462.
Harch PG. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) respiratory failure. Med Gas Res 2020;10:61-2